
Current events, this list is subject to change at anytime. Please contact us to confirm any event and club members should watch their email before assuming any trip or event is still actively planned.

Click here for our: 2024 Day Cruises & Overnight Trips & Events you can print the entire schedule from this page.

Emails with trip details are always sent out prior to the event.  Events may be cancelled or postponed on short notice.

The True Story:

What is the true story? The Kanawha Valley Corvette Club loves ice cream! It’s a proven fact, this club will drive miles for a scoop of anything ice cream!

Here’s an article put together by WV Living Magazine, written by Devin Lacy. They checked out many locations in the state, these are local mom and pop stores that offer some of the best and unique (according to WV Living Magazine) ice cream.

CAUTION: These shops may cause members to fill up the fuel tank and take a day trip to sample the assortment of scoops and cones. Click the photo below to open a list that you can print.

On the subject of hotdogs, here is an interesting note: Anyone up for a trip to NY to get a $29 hotdog??

Let’s play a game, this has made the rounds on the internet for years.

For a game sheet you can print, click here!

So, let’s see who can get them right? Give up? Ok so there is a clue. Number 29 is Casper… of course, and number 14 is Charlie Brown. So, the clue is our very own Charlie Brown! Find Charlie Brown, find the answers.
Find the 7 people, 1 dog and 2 cats….

Special event trips, such as Dairy Queen Ice Cream runs will also be posted here when we get the information in advance. Be aware, many runs of this type are spontaneous and may or may not be announced ahead of time.

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